Monday, March 26, 2012

First Stop: Budapest, Hungary

Playing postlude for worship in Budapest
Jeff (far left) ready to converse in English when Jan Coleman (far rt.) finishes giving instructions
  Jeff is completing his first week in Budapest, Hungary, where he is coming alongside Free Methodist missionaries and church leaders.  So far he has attended an English class, a Hungarian Folk Music class for children, and a worship service.  Since one of his goals for this time is to refresh himself musically, he also went to a concert (and will hopefully attend many more during their Spring festival).

Meanwhile, the kids and I are packing bags and making arrangements to leave the house.  We continue to gather the items we need for everyday living and educational ministry.  Many thanks to our church's office staff and other volunteers (you know who you are!) who duplicated and assembled the 360 textbooks and workbooks that we will take with us to teach music theory at Hope Africa University.  We are praising God for the generous donations of paper, ink, machine usage, staples, and time! Thanks, also, for the cash gifts that will enable us to put these bags on the airplane.
One of the five suitcases of textbooks...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Countdown has begun!

We're counting down 7 days until Jeff leaves for the first leg of the trip (to Budapest, Hungary). Three weeks later, the rest of the family will meet him in Brussels, and then it's off to Burundi! So far, we have obtained passports, immunizations, medicines, travel insurance, and approval from our church and the Free Methodist World Missions short-term missions office (VISA). We are also nearly fully funded; we're hoping for about $1700 more to cover our expenses.  THANK YOU to all who have contributed to this mission.  We look forward to sharing with you the sights and sounds of Hope Africa University students making music to the Lord!